Home page

- "index.gmi"

- If this does not exist, your home page will be a directory listing of all your files.


- "gemlog" folder

- more information, gemfeed.gmi

.hidden folder

If you're working on a draft or other content you aren't ready to share publicly, put it inside the .hidden folder, and it won't show up on any feeds or be viewable publicly.

SFTP Access


SFTP access

Flounder runs a very simple SFTP server

sftp -P 2024 [myuser]@flounder.online

Then log in with your account password.

You can upload and download your files from here using a shell program.

You can use a tool like sshfs in order to mount your site locally:

mkdir mountpoint

sshfs [myuser]@flounder.online:/ mountpoint -p 2024


This server is configured with the following limits:

Max file size: 128KB

Max user space: 10MB

Max file count: 1024

Subscribe to the mailing list

- /mailing-list.gmi


You can add a special file named robots.txt to your page. This will inform web-crawlers, for example, search engines, how to treat your page. It will not block them from crawling your page, but well behaved crawlers will respect it. For example, if you don't want your web page archived by Google, Internet Archive, or anyone else, add the following to your robots.txt:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

Here's the format for managing gemini-based crawlers:


For more info, see:


Add a custom domain

If you want to use your own domain instead of yourname.flounder.online, check out this guide!




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